Vegan Surf Camp - The Vegan Twist
I just spent 12 days in the south of France, the first 7 of which were at the Vegan Surf Camp in Moliets. It has taken me a while to write this blog, just because I’m still trying to process everything as it was one of the funnest, most action-packed summer trips I’ve done in a very long time. Everything from the food to the campsite, to the activities and people, made it an incredible experience that is likely to stay with me forever. I think, instead of starting with food like I always do, I’m going to review the campsite and activities first. Campsite The Vegan Surf Camp is just one surf camp of many on the huge Les Cigales campsite right next to the beach in Moliets. Someone said that in the height of the summer there are around 5,000 people camping there. The week we were there, I believe there were 80 people at the Vegan Surf Camp alone, but that was expected to grow to 120 the week we left. The site itself was really well set up. All the tents are ready for you when you arrive, and there are little communal hangout points between […]