Vegan thai green curry - The Vegan Twist
I have a confession to make, we ate out a LOT this week, so Friday night, which is normally reserved for curry date night, ended up being a night at the stove. On the menu for the night: thai green curry with tofu. One problem with ready-made thai green sauces is that they almost always have fish sauce as an ingredient, making them non-vegetarian. I did manage to find some green curry paste that is suitable for vegans, so thought I’d give it a try (I also bought a thai red curry paste). I decided to serve the curry with black bean noodles. I know, it’s a bit of an odd choice. I had these noodles for the first time a couple months ago and am completely sold on them, even if I don’t completely understand the whole gluten-free movement. The noodles have more flavor than traditional spaghetti and a real bite to them. They are also healthier for you and have more protein, fiber and iron than other pastas and around 60% less carbs (according to the website). I also bought mung bean spaghetti and soy bean spaghetti which I have yet to try. I have to say, […]