Why go vegan? - The Vegan Twist
In the last few months I’ve had quite a few non-vegan friends and family start to follow my blog who might be interested in veganism but may not necessarily know the reasons behind why people make the switch, or even where to start. This blog is for you. Here, I’m going to look at the reasons behind why I, and other vegans, made the choice to cut out all animal products from our lives, and hopefully help you make the connection between what you eat, wear, buy and the animals behind them. Why go vegan? For the animals This is the main reason people go vegan – for the animals. As children, we grow up loving all animals – dogs, sheep, rabbits, pigs, horses – yet we are also told we need to eat some of them to survive. We’re led to believe we need milk for strong bones, and that animal meat is the only way to get protein. We compartmentalise the animals we love, and the animals we eat, and yet, they are no different. And we are killing them by the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS every year simply because we like the taste of their flesh. You might say, […]