Interview with vegan ultra-runner Fiona Oakes - The Vegan Twist
Last year I had the opportunity to interview Keegan Kuhn who was one of the Executive Producers behind “Running for Good,” a documentary which follows ultra-runner Fiona Oakes’ remarkable personal story. For those who haven’t seen the film (and why not!?), Fiona is a British marathon runner who holds four world records for marathon running and is the fastest woman to run a marathon on all 7 continents, despite having no kneecap in her right knee since the age of 14. And all this while running Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary in England with her husband. I was honoured to have the opportunity to interview Fiona recently to hear a bit more about her personal journey, what it’s like to run an animal sanctuary, and what’s next for her. What has your vegan journey been like? I went vegan when I was six years old and truthfully, I had never even heard of the word vegan, I just understood the principle behind it. So mine was a completely self-inspired reaction to animal exploitation in any form of ‘industry’ whether it be for food, clothing, vivisection or sport. It was the obvious thing to me as a child to simply avoid being part […]